Sunday, August 28, 2016

AARON'S SPIRITUAL SUNDAY 8/28/16 In God's time not ours.

Welcome to 
Aaron's Spiritual Sunday! 

Hi my spiritual peeps!

Remember I'm not religious I'm spiritual!

I would like to personally say thank you for tuning into Aaron's Spiritual Sunday!

As promised, to keep it real, I will only share topics God is teaching me in my life.

Let's pray

Heavenly father we humbly come before your mighty throne and ask you give us a mind to understand your truth, ears to hear your truth and hearts to receive your divine truth.
In Jesus name AMEN.

So many times in various situations in our lives we pray with an expectation on how and when we need God's help. As if we, God's creation, know the best solution to our problem and the best timing we need the solution in. 
Boy that could not be more wrong on every level!

Every and I mean every time I expect God to work a certain way and the urgency God needs to move, God in his grace and mercy doesn't do what I expect when I expect it. No God proves he is God the creator of the heavens and earth by doing far more than I expected and then God in his perfect time not mine!

Peeps I'm terribly sorry but I must stop and continue this next Sunday. I've been battling stroke survivor insomnia and didn't sleep at all last night. Now I'm falling asleep at my computer. Please pray for me.

Positive energy your way!
Stay awesome 

1 comment:

  1. May God bless you and help you overcome the sickness. Thank you for taking the time to write the truth, Only certain people have a way to help me understand my circumstances and situation.

    Glory to God.
