Sunday, May 22, 2016


Welcome from around the world!

I'm spiritual not religious.

So peeps I thought I would try something different so leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

Also please use the comments section to socially connect with me. Even just to say hi!

I want everyone involved in this movement to be vocal ............. so talk to me peeps.

Soooooooooooo anyway .............

So this Aaron's Spiritual Sunday I'm going to openly share what's on my mind ............. no formal topic! 

Remember I have a stroke brain so who knows?

So I was thinking about our brother Jesus dying on the cross for all mankind's sin. 

So I'm contemplating what was more painful for Jesus, the actual crucifixion, the pain of mankind turning their backs on him and choosing to do things their own way, or Jesus being separated from God for the first time?

I say that the pain and anguish of Jesus being separated from God for the first time! 

Not just the excruciating pain of someone you love with every molecule of your being, rejecting, beating and crucifying you. 

Your father. The almighty God, The Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End. Whose presence you were always in Jesus, had to turn his back on you because you took upon yourself all the sins of mankind! It was a spiritual law. You became sin for us (mankind) who knew no sin. 

This is the gospel! The awesome news for mankind today! This is how God reconciled or made a way to restore mankind's loving relationship with God.  

And now that you Jesus became sin for us that knew not sin God had to turn his back on you separated from your father for the very first time! For sin cannot dwell in the presence of God.

I am convinced that this separation from God was cataclysmic for Jesus! It was the worst pain he bore!

Jesus you didn't cry out when they whipped the flesh from your back. Jesus you didn't cry out when they drove the crown of thorns into your skull. Jesus you didn't cry out when they drove spikes in your hands and feet. Jesus you didn't cry out when they pierced your side with a spear. No, you only cried out when you were separated from God. You cried Father, Father, why have you forsaken me! (Greek definition)

I think peeps this was Jesus's darkest most excruciatingly painful moment!

So I feel led to ask you, if you have not received this work of Jesus on the cross, receive it now. The total and complete restoration of "your" relationship to the one who created you. Who loves you with a love so powerful it holds the universe in place. 

For no greater love than one has than this, than one to lay down his life for his friends! 

That's you and me peeps!

God isn't the god of man made religion. Self Righteous, Hateful, Harsh judgment, condemning and controlling!

No! God loves you with an enduring unconditional love! A love that keeps no record of your past sin.

I will describe God with one word. 

I have to stop. Stroke brain burned out!

Let's pray!
Heavenly father you hold our very breath in your hands. We humbly come before your mighty throne.
We ask your perfect will be done in our lives. Create a clean spirit within us.
Give us ears to hear and eyes to see your powerful truth.
Lead us with your peace. 
May you pour out your awesome favor upon us.
In Jesus name AMEN!

Bye peeps! God bless!

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